Wanted to tell you what a great idea that was to post it on the web in this page format. It looks like you possibly did it in word and then saved it as an image? Could you please tell the secrets of how to put it in this format, as I have nver seen this done before.
I feel the same was as Rachel. Could you let us know how you posted your document. I tried uploading my MSword document as an image, and then I tried to convert it to a web page and then upload it...but it didn't work.
I "printed" the MSWord file as a PDF, which saves it in that format. (Macs can do this without extra software, but for a PC, you can download one of many virtual PDF printers. (http://www.pdfforge.org/products/pdfcreator)
I then took the PDF and opened it with "Preview" and then saved it as a jpeg. I think PDFcreator will let you do this all in one step.
Kwe' aq pjila'si, I am a district Principal - Aboriginal Education for Surrey Schools in BC, Canada. (Formerly a coordinator of Library and Information Services for SD38) I have taught courses in Library Administration and Aboriginal Issues for UBC and have a Masters in Educational Technology and Learning Design. I am also proud to claim my Mi'kmaq heritage. Wela'lioq for visiting.
Hey Gordon and Gavin,
Wanted to tell you what a great idea that was to post it on the web in this page format. It looks like you possibly did it in word and then saved it as an image? Could you please tell the secrets of how to put it in this format, as I have nver seen this done before.
Hi Gordon & Gavin,
I feel the same was as Rachel. Could you let us know how you posted your document. I tried uploading my MSword document as an image, and then I tried to convert it to a web page and then upload it...but it didn't work.
Hi Pam and Rachel,
I "printed" the MSWord file as a PDF, which saves it in that format. (Macs can do this without extra software, but for a PC, you can download one of many virtual PDF printers. (http://www.pdfforge.org/products/pdfcreator)
I then took the PDF and opened it with "Preview" and then saved it as a jpeg. I think PDFcreator will let you do this all in one step.
Final step? Upload the jpeg pic to Blogger.
Have fun!
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